
The International BBA: a springboard to the world

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Future baccalaureate holders: discover the Grenoble École de Management (GEM) Bachelors for a professional and international experience. With just a few days to go before the results of the baccalauréat, you can still make vows on Parcoursup. GEM's bachelor's programs also offer a powerful post-bac network. Prepare for your future with GEM and take advantage of campus life and the many opportunities on offer.

Constantin Pierrot, International BBA student

ibba-roso.jpgLibba-roso.jpge The story of Constantin Pierrot, a 2nd year International BBA student at GEM (formerly BIB), is a perfect illustration of the spirit of initiative and determination that the business school cultivates in its students, right from post-baccalaureate level. Constantin completed an internship in Geneva, a major financial center, in his first year of his Bachelor's degree. For his end-of-second-year project, his objective was to find an assignment in Singapore or Hong Kong, using the skills he had acquired at GEM, in particular the art of networking taught from the start of the program.

A goal accomplished thanks to the GEM alumni network. GEM's alumni database (46,700 graduates, representing multiple opportunities for strategic international exchanges) was an indispensable resource for her professional project. By presenting his application using an original approach (CV in video format), Constantin was able to make the difference.

As a result, at just 19, he landed an internship in Hong Kong with Expando, a startup run by GEM alumnus Xavier Roso.

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Popularizing the language of innovation

Co-founder and CEO of Expando, an AI-based recommendation management software, Xavier Roso testifies to the exceptional qualities of GEM students

Leur capacité à diriger des équipes diverses, à articuler efficacement leurs idées et à s'adapter facilement sont autant d’atouts déterminants dans leur profil. De plus, ceux-ci se distinguent par leur capacité à parler couramment le langage des technologies et à le vulgariser, ce qui est une compétence rare à Hong Kong. Je savais qu’en recrutant un étudiant formé dans cet écosystème d’innovation technologique propre à Grenoble, le succès serait au rendez-vous.

Xavier Roso.

Hong Kong chez Expando, une startup dirigée par Xavier Roso, alumni de GEM.This professional experience gave Constantin the unique opportunity to represent Hong Kong at Viva Tech 2024 in Paris, the international trade fair for technological innovation, where he rubbed shoulders with Hong Kong's Secretary General of Finance and Secretary General of Innovation, and attended other conferences with influential figures such as Bernard Arnault, the Williams Sisters and Elon Musk (remote). These meetings were concrete opportunities to connect with world leaders.

"GEM's Bachelor's degree, as an international business program, enabled me to obtain three highly professional internships (my next stop being Norway in August) which will make a difference on my CV when I get my first job on graduation. I owe this to GEM's international positioning and alumni network, but also to its student experience, which I take full advantage of when I'm on the Grenoble campus. For example, I met a four-star army general as a guest speaker at a geopolitical symposium, and Jean-Charles Decaux as a guest speaker at a conference organized by GEM en Débat (GEM's student forum). After following his call to all students to contact him when he came, he gave me his business card, and since then we've been in regular contact - a real plus for my career!" Constantin Pierrot is delighted.

Discover the International BBA

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